
Carrier Hap 4.5
Carrier Hap 4.5

Carrier Hap 4.5

Joshua Crabtree said on South Dakota Public Radio yesterday, “The vaccine has been given more than 4.5 billion times around the world with minimal reactions, let alone severe reactions to that.” The vaccines are reducing sickness, death and strain on hospitals with astronomically less risk than the disease they prevent. They do guarantee that a lot fewer people will get it, fill hospital beds, and use up so many medical resources that hospitals have to start rationing care.Īs Sanford’s Dr. The vaccines don’t guarantee that any one individual won’t get coronavirus.


That, Mick, is why we get our shots and why you should, too, instead of hiding from science and professional responsibility behind your religion. Mick Vanden Bosch and his fellow yahoos would help get South Dakota’s vaccination rate up from 57.34% to 90%, Sanford might have only 45 patients with covid, 12 in the ICU, and 8 on ventilators.

Carrier Hap 4.5

Sanford’s figures indicate that vaccines have reduced covid cases among vaccinated people by around 85% and reduced cases serious enough for the ICU and ventilators by over 90%. Instead, unvaccinated people make up 90% of Sanford’s covid customers. If vaccines didn’t work, the number of cases, ICU placements, and ventilator treatments would consist of roughly equal portions of unvaccinated and vaccinated people. While one of its eye doctors commits professional misconduct outside questioning why we should bother getting coronavirus vaccines, Sanford Health answers the question with this updated graphic showing that vaccine refuseniks are responsible for the vast majority of its covid cases: Sanford Health, tweet, 2021.09.14.

Carrier Hap 4.5